I love the holidays. Everything is gorgeous. I love the Christmas lights so much, they almost make me cry. I cannot believe there are only 9 more days until the big day is here. I'm thankful that I started shopping so early, and aside from a few small things, that part is done. There is one thing that saddens me about this season. Is it just me, or does every year it seem to be getting shorter? I feel like harvest time lasts a while, which I love, but as for Christmas, well it's gone before you have the time to look forward to it! The last two years in fact, I have observed a noticeable decrease of outside Christmas lights. It is such a joyous season, the smells, music, colors, and cheerful hearts. Do I only feel this shortage because I am getting older?
I came a cross an old phrase last week that really hit me in a new way this year and I wanted to share it with you. "Let your hearts be light." It is a phrase I have heard so many times before without really taking the time to let it's meaning settle in. What a beautiful wish, and that is mine for all of us. I challenge you, me, all of us to be sure and take some time in this rushed season to remember the true meaning, be thankful for our loved ones, and simply let our hearts be light.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Just keep swiming, swiming, swiming...

Aaaaahhhhhh! I am so frustrated! I am sorry to lay it all out but I need to vent. Let me start by saying that I adore my kids. I am just so tired of them simply not listening to me. It has become close to impossible for me to get anything outside of this house done anymore. I try my best to hurry when we have to go out, but I think 5 min. in Target to them must feel like an eternity. They won't sit down in the cart or stroller so strangers feel the need to come over and "help" them...embarrassing and a bit frustrating as well, they scream at each other, and they suddenly loose all knowledge of how to get along with the other. I think my voice becomes silent to them, that's what I would like to believe anyways, but I know it is just selective obedience. I feel inconsistent and overwhelmed. I want to exude the true way I feel to them. I am so thankful for the gift of them in my life. I cherish them and would love to pour out my love. I just can't seem to find the line, any line. I know they need discipline but if I left a store every time this occur ed we literally wouldn't even have food on the table. Tell me how this will ever work with three?! Okay, I'm done...thank you listening. I just wanted to throw that out there and if any of you feel led to pray on my behalf it would be so coveted. :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Here I Start Again...
Oh how I adore the ambiance of fall. The smells, colors, and cozy feelings all excite my senses. It always seems when fall rolls around that it is time to get "organized" again. This is something that I both love and dread. Being organized is one thing that I think I may aspire to my entire life without actually reaching that goal. True, there are many things that I attempt to keep in order, but I never seem to gather enough containers, shelves, or storage as one might need to complete this daunting yet rewarding task. With that said, may my attempt begin once again! As a part of organizing, I plan on keeping my thoughts in some type of line as well. Thus I hope to be blogging much more. Keeping the ideas and contemplations of my brain written down really have always seemed to help me stay grounded and on task.
Thank you all for your thoughts as well. It is such and inspiration and pleasure of mine to look into parts of your heads too. Here's to the joys of FALL.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Good morning all. This morning is the begining of a beautiful day. I am inspired and excited to see what the day beholds. I have already encountered a few of my favorite things; waking up to my incredible husband and sharing a nice steamy cup of coffee on the porch, the intense sun rays beating on my back, and the sound of my children's laughter permeating the scilence. I praise you Lord, for you ARE good. I will let you know how the rest unfolds...
Friday, May 15, 2009
A Sweet Day
Woo Hoo! I am feeling pretty good! Today i accomplished so many of my goals! It seems as though normally I only get one, maybe two done in a day but today...it was good. I worked, played with my babies, spent some quality time with my Jesus, went on a 4 mile run, and gardened with my hubby and babies! I just feel great. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm boasting, because that is not what I intend to do at all. It just feels really nice to have a day like this amidst all the daily chaos. And I think to myself....what a wonderful world.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Without Words...
So, Jer is out of town. My first thoughts are to be nervous, scared, lonly. What I am is grateful for this time. Honestly, i don't take much time to think about things. I, like many others, am so busy and caught up in life. Cleaning, cleaning kids, fedding, working out, trying to be someone, that I don't take the neccessary time it takes to evaluate. I have taken this time to become a bit more confident, a bit more me. i love the Lord with all of my heart and soul. He is the reason I am alive, truly alive. He is my very breath, he is grace and mercy, Power and love. he is the reason I love. I adore my husband and I am endlessly thankful for his encouragment, acceptance, sense of humor, strength...I couldn't live without my Livi, she is my sunshine. Her smile is like a drop of fresh water after walking thorugh a desert. Jack is my Joy. He is my strength when I am feeling weak. I need my family, without each of them I could never be even a fraction of who I am or who I strive to be. They are the reson I strive. And my friends, I couldn't phrase their importance in my growth. The truth is, I am blessed beyond measurment. Thank you Jesus. Thank you All.
And then there was Peace...

Mother's day was wonderful. Jeremy, Livi, Jack and I took every agenda we normally follow and tossed it out the window. We just took our time and did some things we've been longing to do, or not do together. We went down to Marine drive and had hotdogs in the back of the van while we sat and watched the airplanes, we stopped by Grammie and Pa's of course to see My Mom, we went to Lacamas lake and took a gorgeous hike, and then we got some special ice cream and went to the park to round out the evening. It felt so wonderful to just be a family, adoring eachother, and being outdoors. I hope this taste of beauty will thrust us in to more days just the same.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Wow, what a weekend! I am so proud and ecstatic to say I will soon have another sister. Ms. Tiffany and my handsome brother are ENGAGED! It was beautiful. Planning was perfect and she was so suprised. I am so thankful to have gotten to be part of that day. It was also her 22nd birthday and after the engagment and lunch we got to dress to the nines..or the sevens I guess in our hippie attire and bowl! The day was awesome! I'll get some pictures up soon. Other than that day it was a kind of rough weekend I am stll trying to figure out. I'm not sure what to do but I do trust that Jesus wil see us all through. Trials and tribulation can only strengthen us and our character. I feel I have already grown from this "situation". I love my family, I love my husband and I am thankful to know through thick and thin we will always remain.
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