Friday, May 15, 2009

A Sweet Day

Woo Hoo! I am feeling pretty good! Today i accomplished so many of my goals! It seems as though normally I only get one, maybe two done in a day but was good. I worked, played with my babies, spent some quality time with my Jesus, went on a 4 mile run, and gardened with my hubby and babies! I just feel great. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm boasting, because that is not what I intend to do at all. It just feels really nice to have a day like this amidst all the daily chaos. And I think to myself....what a wonderful world.


Cassie said...

Whoo-Hoo! Sure does sound like a good day! Call me so we can craft!

Erin said...

Great Job!!! I LOVE those days when it feels like everything goes right!