Aaaaahhhhhh! I am so frustrated! I am sorry to lay it all out but I need to vent. Let me start by saying that I adore my kids. I am just so tired of them simply not listening to me. It has become close to impossible for me to get anything outside of this house done anymore. I try my best to hurry when we have to go out, but I think 5 min. in Target to them must feel like an eternity. They won't sit down in the cart or stroller so strangers feel the need to come over and "help" them...embarrassing and a bit frustrating as well, they scream at each other, and they suddenly loose all knowledge of how to get along with the other. I think my voice becomes silent to them, that's what I would like to believe anyways, but I know it is just selective obedience. I feel inconsistent and overwhelmed. I want to exude the true way I feel to them. I am so thankful for the gift of them in my life. I cherish them and would love to pour out my love. I just can't seem to find the line, any line. I know they need discipline but if I left a store every time this occur ed we literally wouldn't even have food on the table. Tell me how this will ever work with three?! Okay, I'm done...thank you listening. I just wanted to throw that out there and if any of you feel led to pray on my behalf it would be so coveted. :)